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November 09, 2005



Welcome home! It has been great to read about your experiences and your thoughts over this last year. Blessings on the rest of your journey, and we are so glad you are home safely!


welcome home bro. catch up with you over some monday night & alabama football and beverages of choice. love ya -g


Welcome home, Soldier. It's good to have you back. Thank you for all of your posts. It helped so often to read an update from you especially on the days I wasn't hearing anything from the 278th soldier in my family. I am proud of each one of you for what you accomplished. You had an extraordinary record there. Thank you, most of all, for serving for each one of us. You are all heroes.


Welcome home, Lieutenant!


Hey, welcome back. Glad you returned safe and sound. My feeling about the war notwithstanding, I thank you for your service to our country.


Welcome home, Shawn. So pleased to hear you are home safely.

Mark (the Shark)

Shawn, Welcome Home! I am glad to hear that your mission is complete and you are back where you belong. You should be proud of what you have accomplished.

MissBirdlegs in AL

Welcome home, Shawn! You guys have much to be proud of. We're all so proud of what you've accomplished, and we thank you. Will keep all of you in my prayers. Thanks for sharing with us a little of yourself and your activities...and I have to say...ROLL TIDE!!



Welcome Home Son.Cannot tell you how Proud we are of our youngest son and its good to read your latest email and know the guys had a good sense of humour as I know that helped you get thru the year.
I am happy that you and Tiff are back together where you should be.She has had a tough year but been very brave and strong coping and we are proud of her as well.I know the corgis, Tegan and Carys, are thrilled to have their daddy home as well.
Love you .


The smiles on everyone's faces when deplaning says it all. Welcome Home!! Thanks for all of your bravery and service to our country.
Love ya. Glad you are home safe.

Parbar West

Welcome home and thanks.

Enjoy the pleasures of home and family. Accept the accolades that both friends and strangers will offer you. You've earned them.

And let everything else roll off your back. You're home.

Blessings ...


Yes! So glad that you are home safe and sound. Hope that you have a fabulous re-introduction to your life at HOME! Please keep us (blogging world) updated if we need to be praying for specific future soldiers or you have prayer requests. Again, thank you for your service.

Sandi Szymborski

God bless you on your safe return. I have read your blog many, many times seeing as that my own son was also in Iraq and is a poor communicator. You have kept me informed and I am grateful. My son is now also back in the states and it's wonderful to be able to just pick up the phone and talk to him. Hope your family feels the same. Good luck to you and thanks for a job well done. God be with you. Sandi

Pat Sheridan

I'm happy that you are home safe. I enjoyed your comments and wish you and Tiffany all the best.



Heather Sawyer (!)

Reading your blog all along your journey has been a blessing, but none so great as reading in your latest post that you are home. I hope to see you and Tiffany soon. God bless and keep you both.

Eric St.

welcome back home shawn. Hope you and Tif are doing well.

roll tide my friend,

eric st.clair


Welcome Home Shawn! Hope you see you around MSI soon.


Welcome Home and Thank you for your Service to our Country Sir.
Please know that the sacrifices you,your fellow Service Members as well as your families will never be forgotten by this forever greatful American.
God Bless and best wishes to you as you reajust back home with family and friends.

Billy Elkins

Welcome home Lt, glad to see you made it home safe. Thank you for your service to this great nation. I am thankful for what you and your guys/girls did over there. Best wishes as you settle back into a sense of normalcy. Thanks again Shawn, tell Tiff I said hi and I hope to see ya'll very soon. Enjoy each other. Love, Billy


Welcome Home Shawn!
Michelle and I are glad to hear you are home safe and sound.

tim roberson

Welcome home Shawn, i'm relieved that you are back in the States and I hope you and Tiffany are doing well. Maybe next time I am in the Music City i will stop in and visit!



Ray is in the National Guard and well active duty army now. I can't wait for his return, as we will be married the following December. That is December of 2006. Visit Ray our website if you want. Congratulations on your safe return. Thank you for defending our freedoms. God Bless You.


THANK YOU for your service for our country! God bless you and your fellow servicemen and women! I hope your readers will continue to support the men and women who are still overseas -- one great way to do that is through all-volunteer, non-profit organizations like Operation Gratitude (

God bless you, Shawn!

Ann in So. CA


Welcome Home, soldier!

I'm glad to know that your back home with the family. God bless.

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